About Me

Welcome to my WordPress!

What am I?

I’m a 27 year old bundle of anxiety. I’m a gamer, a writer and a photographer.wp-1483960707423.jpg I’m an Ex-University Student with a BSc in Psychology. I’m a Son, a Grandson, a Boyfriend, a Friend. I’m an average, everyday human being.

Who am I?

I am your average, everyday person, with all the benefits and flaws that entails. I’m introverted, I’m shy, but I’m creative and I’m hopeful. I’m someone who values ideas; who is passionate about positivity, and interested in inspiration. I’m a writer, pursuing the dream of having his work out there, actually entertaining others. I’m also photographer, currently living his dream with his own Photography Company: Level Up Photography LLP. All in all, I’m a messy tangle of goals and pursuits, which all align with living a creative and positive lifestyle; doing what I can to entertain and inspire others. I still don’t have it all together yet, I still work a full time job, I still don’t do as much as I wish I did, but I’m getting there.

To pursue these dreams, I write both here, Clockwork Clouds, and I write about Games over at Play Positive. I host my Photography, along with my colleague Greg, at Level Up Photography.

Everything I write is open and honest, heartfelt and introspective, whilst trying my best to provide a positive outlook on things. You’re more than welcome to judge me based on my work, it’s my attempt of conveying the heart of me and a more truthful representation would be hard to find.

What is Clockwork Clouds?

Previously called Clockwork Musings, because I had a fascination with Clockwork and Steampunk at the time, this WordPress has evolved into Clockwork Clouds; a place for promoting positivity, both within myself and others, and a place for me to share my work as I strive to reach my dreams. It’s also place for me to try and catalogue some of the thoughts running through my head and to analyse some of the feelings tangled up in my torso. Really, it’s just a blog like any other blog.

My Schedule

Here on the Clouds I try to keep with a schedule. Really, it’s to make it easier to categorise my writing in my mind, and to know which deadlines to hit, but the secondary motive is to hopefully provide some stability for you as a reader as well. Please note, these are just how I categorise my actual blog posts, when I post creative work (Flash Fiction, Writing Prompts, Photographs, etc) these can appear on any day and outside of the usual schedule…  Also please note, I’m not a stickler for rules… and I’ve been known to mix things up!

Monday: Monday Blogs – My gaurenteed post. I aim to get a post onto the Clouds every Monday. Why? Because it encourages my writing at least once a week, because it starts the week as I mean to go on, and because I can utilise the #MondayBlogs hashtag on Twitter. These posts tend to be less personal and more for a general audience. They’re posts based around my advice to myself or to others, they’re posts written with the intention of being read by the masses.

Tuesday: Day Off –  Tuesdays are a day where I don’t blog. I check posts, respond to comments, and read others work, but I don’t blog. Why? Because it means I don’t keep posting content into your reader, and because it gives me time to work on my posts for the other days of the week.

 Wednesday: Work in Progress Wednesday – Wednesdays are a spot to discuss Work in Progress. It’s also a spot that I open up to anyone else at all, just apply here: How to be on the Clouds! A Guest Post Offer.

Thursday: Thursday Thoughts – Thursdays posts surround my thoughts or anything I’m dwelling on. Friday Feelings are more intimate, whereas Thursday Thoughts are where I normally analyse something more external.

Friday: Friday Feelings – Almost interchangeable with Thursday. Friday is about how I’m feeling, whether its about the week gone by, the coming weekend, or about life in general. I try to give this a positive spin. Writing is my therapy, after all, and I sometimes think that by writing down and analysing my feelings I make great progress. I also want these Friday Feelings to be messages of positivity to others. It’s a chance for reflection of the good things the week has brought, or the weekend is about to bring.

Saturday/Sunday: Weekend Off – Just like Tuesday, I don’t post at the weekends. I’ll read and reply to comments, and I’ll participate in #SundayBlogshare, but I don’t tend to post anything new.

29 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Pingback: Guest: The Culinary Arts | The Recipe Hunter

  2. Pingback: Thinking About Me – Clockwork Clouds

  3. Pingback: A Reading Writer’s 2-Year Journey – A Reading Writer

  4. Hi Shaun! Thank again for visiting and following. My son loves Video Games and has actually gotten me interested in some. My favorite is Mass Effect (but to be honest, I’ve just watched him play thought it and he lets me make all the choices! 😉 )

    I’d also love to be published, but I spend far too much time on WordPress and far too little time working on my book. 😉 Looking forward to reading your blog.


  5. Good luck Shaun! I hope this blog does help you get those creative juices flowing. I know starting (and maintaining) my blog has been a huge help to my muse and myself.

    Looking forward to reading more! 🙂


  6. Hi Shaun, nice to meet you. Thanks for stopping by and following my blog. My 15yo son is also into video games too and is a keen programmer. Cheers and warmest wishes from a fellow stress head and writer from Australia. 🙂


    1. A pleasure to meet you too Miriam. I meant to comment when I first followed, but I didn’t get chance. I enjoyed the posts I read this morning and am looking forward to keeping up to date 🙂

      Also, I’d tell your son to follow his dream! Not enough Games Developers over in Aus. He could be the next best 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Shaun! Read the phrase about needing eye candy for your blog. If you tell me what you have in mind I can make you an illustration! I love people who realize that eye candy is important!

      Liked by 2 people

  7. Pingback: Less about introductions… « Clockwork Clouds

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