Making Connections: A Thursday Thought

For a reason I can’t explain I’ve been thinking a lot about connections.

It’s strange to think just how many connections we make in everyday life, be them professional or personal, big or small. The word itself has connotations of business, the old adage of “It’s who you know, not what you know”, and from there there’s a pressure around the need to network; the need to find people who can provide a helpful step up the proverbial ladder, a proverbial foot in the proverbial door.

In fact, connections can be something completely different; it doesn’t have to all be red tape and white collars. My blog was born over 5 years ago, a mere journal for me to jot down some thoughts at the time, but it was only ever something I looked at once a year, if that, and never really took seriously. Fast forward to last year, one of my best friend’s, Andy, convinced me to join a creative writing course, where we were introduced (and then ‘connected’) with Shelley. She convinced me it was worthwhile taking my blog seriously and really putting myself out there. From that connection, I’ve found many different people from all around the world; I’ve joined writing prompts, I’ve joined challenges, and I’ve joined Facebook groups. Connections leading to connections.

It can be easy to think a connection is something more tangible, it’s someone you can point to, someone who’s number you have, someone who ‘knows a guy’; really a connection can be something as small as a shared smile. By writing, by creating art, by simply giving form to our internal thought processes, we create potential connections that can span further and longer than mortal life. We are still connected now by works of art, by literature, by film or by photograph. We are connected to people we will never meet, or who’s names we’ll never know. To share our art is to create a connection en mass. To me, that’s beautiful. To me, that’s worthwhile.

Connections give us a power. They can give us support, they can give us guidance, and through them we can share our passion and our philosophy. We were born a social species, our evolution was encouraged by our communication, and through it we continue to better ourselves. By sharing our thoughts we are able to better each other; simply by increasing understanding and by portraying different perspectives. We live in a time now when our communication has transcended physical movement and speak; we exist in a world where we can learn from people across the globe. Right now there has been no better time to forge ‘connections’.

When I sat down to write this Thursday Thought, I wasn’t expecting to write so passionately, but now, writing this final paragraph, I feel genuinely moved. A connection is something more than a mere contact in a faceless industry, it is an ability to create understanding between us. When I write my blog posts, I first and foremost write them for me, but within them I try to include a positive angle; I try to promote my belief that we can all be good, that we can all be inspirational, and that we can all benefit from sharing. Nothing warms my heart more dearly than when I see us helping each other. Regardless of how we do it, be it charity work, random acts of kindness, or something as ‘trivial’ as writing a blog, we put aside differences and judgements to make the world a better place. If that isn’t making connections, I don’t know what is.


Completely off topic: If you’re a blogger in the UK, or even further afield but interested in traveling, why not come to the Bloggers Bash? Details can be found here: BLOGGERS BASH TICKETS ON SALE NOW!!!

9 thoughts on “Making Connections: A Thursday Thought

  1. Connecting is part of being alive, I think – we’re all part of some bigger whole, and those moments of connectivity remind us of that fact. Lovely thought-provoking post, Shaun.

    Also, are you going to the Bash? I’ll see you there if you are!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I completely agree, Helen! Connecting is definitely when I feel most alive, even if I convince myself its when I’m alone under my duvet fort watching Netflix haha. Sometimes we need that little reminder. Sorry for the late reply 🙂 And yes, hoping to go to the bash! Still not 100% though :O

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Davy D

    A nice post Shaun. One of the joys of blogging are the connections you make and the conversations that take place as the result of a post. This for me is as enjoyable as writing the post itself. I posted Poetry for Beginners on Wednesday which was inspired by your response to an earlier post. Thank you and have a good weekend 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I haven’t been on here much recently (Life getting in the way) so I will have to dart back and take a look at your post!

      And I completely agree; sharing, inspiring, learning from each other, and having these conversations really make blogging enjoyable and worthwhile.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Davy D

        No problems Shaun. Thanks for the heads up about the bloggers conference. I have got a ticket so may see you there.


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