The Message of Chester Bennington

Today we mourn an artist who gave everything they had to their music. Who fought an admirable battle, and left in their wake a message about love, passion, and mental health.

By now, even people who had no connection to Linkin Park have seen the headlines; Chester Bennington took his own life after a long battle with depression. I hardly had any words. Two weeks ago, to the day, to the time that the headline flashed up on our screens, Kirsty and I had been watching Linkin Park perform live. We were reliving our youth, bathing in the nostalgia of a band that defined our teenage years. Around us, I was taken aback by the sheer range of age groups; the late 20 somethings, early 30 somethings like Kirsty and I, the older crowd, carefree and rocking out, and even a ton of younger faces, from single digits up to early teens. Up until that point I hadn’t really known their music was still touching the youth of today, but I was glad for it. To me, they were a band like a time capsule, they represented a period of my life, a big period of my life, and I have a lot of memories set to their music. It was good to see they were connecting with others too.

When the news struck, my Facebook descended in disbelief. I saw heartfelt posts from friends, I saw people shaken by a celebrity death that had never been shaken before, I saw people who had just felt a connection severed. One of my old university friends shared her artwork, images painted and drawn of Chester, and a motivational post about how Linkin Park had inspired her to pursue creative dreams. I saw many more friends sharing how Linkin Park had got them through trying teenage times. Even Kirsty, who isn’t one to post wordy status’, moved me with her words about this now-lost smile and the impact its owner had had on her life.

So what about me? Well, I wanted to share this Instagram post of Chester performing, and I wanted to talk a little bit about mental health. This small snippet, to me, is bittersweet. Here is a man performing, putting his life, heart, and soul into his songs. He is surrounded by adoring fans, people who are touched by his message, people who actively love him and his music. In this captured moment he literally couldn’t have any more love. His message is reaching people, his passion is moving people, his art is helping people. As a writer/photographer, I’d strive for nothing more than that kind of reaction; to do that much good with the little time we have here. Yet, even with that much love it’s clear Chester felt alone, or unworthy, or any other negative and irrational emotion that depression can conjure. This video shows a man suffering from loneliness within a crowd; someone feeling unworthy despite the love of his fans. He is struggling despite his own message to the crowds, perhaps wishing he could hear his own advice.

When we saw Linkin Park those two weeks ago, we had no idea it was to be their last gig. When we saw them, Chester campaigned for love. He told us to join hands, to share a moment with our neighbour, to love each other in the face of the terror and hate being shown the world today. Again, this memory and this message is now bittersweet.


I’m writing this post, not to cash-in on a celebrity death, but to make a special mention of Mental Health Awareness. From the outside, Chester had it all. He had fame, he had money, he had his gorgeous children, and he had adoring fans. The image above, the looks in his fans eyes, would be enough for me to say, with no other evidence, that he had a good life. That’s not how he felt, and this isn’t a true reflection of his suffering. If anything, it serves as testament that we can seemingly have everything in the world, from the most material of possessions, to the most love anyone can be given, yet depression is a nasty affliction that can take an immense and immeasurable toll. We never know what someone else is going through, which is all the more reason to show each other kindness, patience, and most of all love. The phrase “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle” couldn’t be truer and more poignant in this moment.

Anyone that has suffered with depression, long term or short term, will know what it can do to your mind. Will know the thoughts it can tangle you in, how trapping it can be and the options it may make you consider. Many people fight against depression and mental health of everyday of their lives. Many people do so without recognition, without witness. We never know exactly what others are thinking and feeling, and we never know when a day might be someones last. Lets take Chester’s message, proclaimed loudly at his last gig, and show each other love. Lets mourn, but lets learn. Life is far, far too short to not be kind to those we meet, to hold grudges and anger, to not offer a helping hand to those we see struggling. Lets be better, more approachable people, so we can fully tear down this stigma surrounding mental health, so we might save someone going through a hard battle.

This is the part where normally I ask for a comment, a like or a share. However, instead I want to encourage you to spend the time talking to someone, sharing your love with them, or even just letting people know you’re there. I will always be here for people who want to talk, friends, family, or anyone at all. Let’s be better, for the sake of each other.

20 thoughts on “The Message of Chester Bennington

  1. Vincent Martens

    I can’t put into words how grateful I am that one day I stumbled upon Linkin Park and became an enormous fan. And I can’t express how much I appreciate and love Chester, and to meet him in person would have been an other worldly, inspiring, life changing, and surreal experience that would have changed me as a person for the rest of my life. But one day when I pass away I will have my desired wish to meet Chester and tell him how grateful I am for his extraordinary music that makes me feel like I’m not so alone and helps me think about my problems and how grateful I am for him and how amazing, intelligent, kind, and unique of a person he was. Chester made me change how I act and how I am as a person in multiple good ways, I became inspired to be as cool, creative, and kind as he was, and he inspired me to appreciate life and be happy to be alive and be in a good positive mood and enjoy myself and express myself and be funny and make people smile. Chester also showed me how to stay strong and overcome any obstacles that are given to me and fight my battles that I deal with on a daily basis and to keep pushing and striving to get what I want in life and never give up despite any challenges that get in my way. I wish I could tell Chester how much I love Linkin Park and how much I appreciate him and all the music he wrote and all the great things he did. I love you Chester, God bless you and always rest in peace and comfort, we’ll always miss you more than you can ever imagine.


  2. Pingback: I’ll miss you, Chester Bennington | Ben Leander Design + Text

  3. Pingback: I’ll miss you, Chester Bennington – New Honesty

  4. Beautiful words Shaun and so eloquently put. I’ve never particularly been a Linkin Park fan, and therefore can’t share in the outpouring of grief that has filled my social media feeds this week from very unlikely sources, yet I appreciate that this man’s life – and subsequently, his death – has touched so many and it’s so sad that he felt this was the final solution to whatever demons may have plagued him x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for reading, and for the compliment too! I was a huge fan when I was younger, but more recently not so much. I was simply amazed seeing the variety of people at the Gig though, and even more amazed by the impact people revealed after his death. It is amazing to see the relevance of someone, and so sad to think that they were still juggling their own issues despite that. Thank you, Em.

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  5. Great tribute to Chester. It always makes me sad when someone who has given so much to the world takes their own life. I wish there wasn’t such a stigma surrounding mental illness. I guess the best we can do is try to raise awareness so the people who need it can get help.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Completely agree with you there, Lisa. The stigma around mental health is an awful one; one that is only doing a disservice to all of us. Can’t help but wonder how fewer issues the world would have, if all of us felt that little bit more willing to help each other.

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  6. I read this post yesterday but couldn’t comment at that time, however, your words have been playing over and over in my mind ever since. I’ve been a Linkin Park fan for a while and my sixteen-year-old is also a huge fan so you were right about the music reaching every generation. It was nice to have this in common with my teenager (possibly even elevated me to ‘cool mum’ status). Chester’s passing hit us both in different ways. I could totally relate to the depression and loss of hope but for my son it was a ‘new’ experience that he didn’t quite understand. Again, we were able to bond over this and talk it through. Maybe the fact that I lost so many of my teen idols during 2016 prepared me for this moment, but being able to discuss depression openly and honestly with my son has hopefully helped us both. A wonderful post, Shaun.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for sharing, Shelley! I am glad that it was able to provide that connection with you all. I am also glad that, even something as tragic as death, has been able to have a silver lining – furthering the discussion of mental health, something that we really need in our society. Though I’m not unfamiliar with loss, personal or celebrity, I think having seen them so recently made it that bit more raw to me; that I had watched them, thinking nothing of it, but to then find out what he must have been feeling/thinking there on that stage, or at least shortly after. Thanks again!

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