A ‘Lovely’ post about Lovely Blog’s

As I hijacked last Mondays post to celebrate that Kirsty and I  got engaged! So, I thought I’d hijack this Monday Blog to celebrate something equally as important: Me!

Well, not quite as important… in fact, not even remotely as important. However, what was really ‘lovely’ is receiving this nomination from Gary. I don’t normally do these, I still have a nomination from Wendy to tackle, but I was feeling inspired to share this blog about love since I’m currently on (Clockwork) Cloud Nine.


The Rules!

Thank the person that nominated you and provide a link to their blogs. (Thanks Gary!)
List the rules. (Here they are!)
Display the award on your own post. (See Above!)
List seven facts about yourself. (See Below!)
Nominate 15 bloggers for this award and comment on one of their posts to let them know you have nominated them. (This I’m uncertain of… See below, below)

The Facts!

I have been writing stories since before I can remember:
Some of my earliest memories are of coming up with stories, either alone or with my friends. I remember spending the six weeks holiday writing stories about dragons, animals, and who knows what else. I’ve hopefully refined my writing a bit since then.

I am addicted to buying board games I never play, but that are continually taking up space in my house:
With the presence of things like Kickstarter I get excited seeing someones dream come to life (Work In Progress, much?) and this leads to me excitedly backing all these board games but never having any time to sit and play them. They stack themselves in every room of our house, much to Kirsty’s chagrin.

I am passionate about helping others feel inspired:
Partly what draws me to Kickstarter, I love helping people to follow their dreams and it’s this love that’s lead Clockwork Clouds to be what it is today. I want to create a place that encourages others to be creative, to see the positive side of things, and to feel inspired.

I need a creative outlet:
Perhaps why I like to live vicariously through others, but I love and live for that feeling of being inspired and creating. The only issue is, I tend to forget this in the hubbub of life, and I end up getting myself down/grumpy, before I realise the reason is I haven’t created anything in awhile! Hence Clockwork Clouds and my weekly posts, it keeps me going and keeps my spirits aloft!

I went to University to do Media and left with a BSc in Psychology:
I love Psychology; honestly I do. It was the subject I was most eager to do upon leaving school, it was the subject I enjoyed most at college, and yet I applied to Derby University, and all other Universities, to do Media Studies… Looking back, I don’t really know why. I like media too, definitely, I’m a television/video game/film buff. I’m a blogger, wanna-be author, and a photographer. Psychology, though, was a real passion of mine and I love seeing how, and why, we all tick the way we do.

I am constantly trying to better myself:
Whether it’s with writing, photography, blogging or something else; I’m on a constant journey to be the best me I can be. I haven’t found a way of making myself more motivated yet, but I am constantly trying to learn new tricks and methods of doing things. I love critique, I love feedback, and I love knowing what works and what doesn’t. I’m a very feedback orientated person and, when left to my own devices, I just wallow and slump.

March 2013 was one of the worst, but most necessary times of my life:
Deserving of a post all to itself, I figure it’s important when listing some facts about me to mention March 2013. This is the month when my life pretty much changed, it was a month I spent locked away in my room, where I was stressed beyond anything I’ve ever known, where I was rife with panic attacks, and where I, ultimately, decided I couldn’t live like that. March 2013 is when I realised that stressing brought me nothing but pain, and that life is what we make of it. There’s a much more indepth article here, but it was a lesson for me in making the most out of the life we have.

My Nominations!

As I write this bit I’m in two minds about nominations; part of me (probably the shyer, more cynical part) doesn’t think people will want these nominations, seeing them as a glorified chain letter and, therefore, is reluctant to offer them. The other part of me thinks about how nice, and warm, and fuzzy it felt to be nominated by Gary out of all the other blogs he could have chose.

Therefore, I’m going to go against my prejudice and cynicism and break with tradition; tagging a few people who I think are worthy of a bit of blog love, and if they want to take part they can do. If you’re not nominated and want to take part, by all means feel free to consider yourself nominated too! If you’re tagged below and don’t want to be, let me know and I will remove your link (but please know I think you’re worthy of the love!).

In Alphabetical Order (to avoid any question of favouritism)

Angela Noel: Likeminded promotor of positivity and love. Angela’s a WiPW Alumni who’s fantastic posts deal with life and some of the meanings behind it, she also runs plenty of guest posts that I really, really must get around to. Example post: Whats in a Name?

April Munday: Another WiPW Alumni with a penchant for history and a vast knowledge of writing advice and tips. A great blog if you love writing, the Medieval, and everything in between. She also has a new book which, at time of posting, will be out! Example Post: New Release

Beth: Still finding her feet, Beths blog shares posts about life and an assortment of her recent love of poetry. It’s been great to see her Poetry, and her mindset, improve a long the journey and I’m excited to see where she goes. Example Post: My Sister

Bonsalles: I stumbled on Bonsalles blog a few months ago and I am constantly captivated by her lovely line art. The little snippets of her thoughts go hand in hand with her drawings to create a truly interesting post which is a pleasure to see pop up in my reader. Example post: These Times

Creating Mind: As you may have read above, I love feedback and critique. The incredibly fresh way Creating Mind critiques personal photos, by firstly reviewing and then opening the shot open to viewer feedback. It’s one of the most open deconstructions I’ve seen and I love it. Example Post: Sit For Awhile

ChimpWithCans: Do you need to know more than that username? I love ChimpWithCans’ little incites into the mind. Short but sweet posts, that contain a lot to think about. Example Post: The Process is the End Goal

Clare: Our third WiPW Alumni in the list, Clare’s range of projects makes me feel better for having mine! You could spend a day with Clare’s numerous works and still find more to enjoy, from writing, photography (like in the following link!) or typing up her grandfathers journal over at From Buckinghamshire to South Russia and Return Journey. Example Post: Owling Around

DavyD: One of my first followers here on the Clouds, Davy is blog is full of awesome poems and he has always encouraged me to try my hand. A blog about my poetry is coming soon, I promise! But for now, I urge you check out his wonderful work. Example Post: Violins and Poetry

Debbie Harris: Hopefully a soon to be WiPW poster! Debbie puts me to shame by doing a photo a week over on her blog, along with other posts about her travels and her world. Example Post: What’s Outside the Window?

Fragglerockin: WiPW Alumni and annoyingly talented creative person, Fragglerockin has numerous blogs you can peruse (though I’m linking to her main). Example Post: Swiss Gardens

Lydia: Offering a unique incite into the world, from a not-often-heard perspective of a blogger with aspergers, I enjoy hearing about her life and her thought processes; showing there’s beauty in the way we all view the world with such difference. Example Post: Femininity Confession

Methodtwomadness: Two friends, Kerfe and Nina, create a variety of inspiring artwork. I love seeing a new post as I can always gaurentee there will be something interesting within; be it a collage, a painting, or a poem. Example Post: Unknowing

River: I’ve followed River’s sketches for awhile now and never fail to be impressed by the amount of character behind her… well… characters! Lovely artwork and such a passion for it. She’s taking on a big task the next coming months that should be exciting to follow! Example Post: Calm Before the Storm

Ritu: Do you really need an introduction to Ritu? If you don’t know her by now, you’re not using WordPress properly. Ritu has already been nominated for the award, which is no surprise! Example Post: Eating Out of my Hand

Shelley: One of the reasons I started blogging, Shelley inspired me to take my blog more seriously when I met her at a Creative Writing class; my list just has to include her. She’s an Author of such recent publications as Oath Breaker (YA Fiction) and How I Motivated Myself to Succeed (Self Help). Example Post: Book Tour

Wendy: Last but not least, Wendy is a WiPW Alumni with a creative flare for all things fairy related. Her attitude towards choosing to live creatively resonates so much with what I try to promote, she’s a lovely person to follow (and offers you free art when you do so!). Example Post: Sunshine Blogger Award Part 1

47 thoughts on “A ‘Lovely’ post about Lovely Blog’s

  1. Hi, Shaun! ENGAGEMENT! Hooray for you both.

    I loved reading about you and your inspiration. March 2013 sounds like a truly terrible time, but from one you rose–a phoenix from the ashes. Your approach to people, and love of encouraging creativity in all its forms always makes me smile. (The big toothy kind of smile. The kind of smile that makes people think something REALLY good just happened.)

    And of course, thank you for the nomination! I was very surprised to see my name there. Kind words, from a talented and admirable soul like yourself, mean the world to me.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations on your award and your engagement..oops wrong order probably! Love your comments about board games – on clearing out a cupboard in our front room last weekend we came across a shelf full of new board games, still in wrapping film. But I still can’t bring myself to give them away! Great to learn about you through the award questions….and may be picking your brains about your passion for psychology as have a GCSE student here who is thinking of doing psychology for A level!


  3. Hi Shaun. I enjoyed finding out a little more about you. I enjoyed Psychology very much at A Level, and Law too. But when I eventually made it to university I went with Sociology. Too many great subjects to choose from, that’s the problem. Take care!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s very true! I can see why a background of Psyc and Law would lead you to pick Socio though! I did one class of Law before dropping it (was very Date and Name heavy and I just couldn’t get on board!).


  4. Congrats on your engagement! I think I saw the announcement when it first went live also I am a board game addict as well. Do you have a favorite? Are there any board game cafe’s you can go to and test them out haha without purchasing?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I normally buy without testing, haha. It’s probably the wrong way to do it, but there’s something about having this brand new experience on the table without any real prior knowledge… I sometimes watch playthroughs on YouTube before buying though, like Tabletop with Wil Weaton. In terms of a favourite, an oldy but a goody will always be Catan (just because its great and good for all player levels), more thematically I’m looking forward to our annual Halloween game of Betrayal at House on the Hill… and a recent favourite is Evolution: Climate 🙂 What about yourself?

      Liked by 1 person

  5. First, I would like to say congrats on your engagement Shaun! What an exciting time!

    Second, thank you so much for the nomination. It’s an honour to be mentioned amongst other great bloggers! I’m still pretty new at this, not yet reaching my first year anniversary. It’s definitely nice to be mentioned at this stage. Unfortunately, I haven’t spent enough time getting to know other bloggers so I don’t think I will take part in this award. Thanks again for your support and for the mention. Much appreciated!

    Take care,

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for the congratulations 🙂 It means a lot.

      Secondly, I’ve been very inspired by your approach to open feedback and critique (not to mention that you have lovely photos too!). I used the idea of the award to shed some light on bloggers I think deserve notice/recognition; and in my mind your blog definitely came up there 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Reblogged this on But I Smile Anyway… and commented:
    Thank you so much, Shaun for thinking of me for this award, and even more thanks for the lovely words you wrote about me too! I have received this award before, so I shall show my appreciation by reblogging and sharing your post! Thank you again!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I love that the theme for Clockwork Clouds is “helping to inspire others.” It’s so nice to have a place on the interwebs devoted to inspiration. ^^

    And thank you for the mention & lovely description, Shaun! It made my day. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Glad you approve, River 🙂 It’s not always been what my blog was about, but as it evolved and I realised I was spending more and more time actively trying to promote that, I realised that it was the essence of my blog!

      No need to thank me for the mention, you’re a very valid member of the lovely blogs 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Nice factoids Shaun and while I never actually “expect” people to respond to tags or awards I rather feel they are an excellent way to big up other peoples blogs that we might not normally encounter. I’m looking at your list of nominations now and what I actually see are some bloggers I don’t know yet, but because I “know” you then I am so going to go blog hopping now. Personal recommendations if you like to think of it that way.

    Also fabulous ways to get to know a bit more about bloggers we engage with too; speaking of which congratulations on the engagement to Kirsty too 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. That’s exactly what I did when you nominated me… At first I wasn’t sure about doing it, but later I saw it as personal recommendations and I saw it as shining a spotlight on some bloggers who might not have a following yet, when they really deserve one 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m never sure about doing them, or wasn’t…until the shout out thing took hold. I really warmed to that because it helps bloggers get to know me and gives them recommended blogs to visit that might not crop up on their radars. I’ve got a backlog of these to do so I think I’ll clear them using this concept 😊

        Liked by 1 person

  9. Thanks so much for the nomination! We don’t really do awards, although we recently listed 3 1/2 facts each for Mek at Work in Progress after she invited us when she won the award.

    3 1/2 Facts x Two

    Congratulations to you! and thanks for the mention and your support. (K)

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Thanks for the mention in your post Shaun, I’m thrilled, honoured and touched to be included with such lovely bloggers. As you know I’m off to my daughter’s wedding so will try to respond once I’m back and all the excitement has died down. I will definitely check out the bloggers mentioned, some I’m already following but there are a few new names in there for me. Thanks again, I love your post mainly for the way you have highlighted and encouraged other bloggers. You are very deserving of the lovely blog award, so congrats to you too 😊

    Liked by 1 person

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